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Origin : Rwanda

Producer : Kinini

Region : Rulindo

Process : Washed

Altitude : 1800 - 2500masl

Cupping : Mango, Peach, Vanilla & Red Apple

Varietal : BM71, Jackson


Washed process in Rwanda is slightly different to washed coffees elsewhere. Fully washed Rwandan coffees involves pulping the coffee and allowing a 24 hour dry fermentation period before undergoing more traditional wet fermentation, followed by the typical soaking for 24 hours afterwards.


This creates a syrupy bodied coffee, complimented by the unique flavours of coffees that are grown in Rwanda. This coffee in particular has lots of tropical fruit notes making it great for filter / pour over brew method.


The KCRS is a charitable organization set up to  predominantly help orphans and widows who have been displaced by the Rwandan genocide in 1994, who were then resettled by the government in an uncultivated savannah. By donating 10% of the price that importers pay for coffee directly to the charity, A New Beginning has established a school and health post to provide education and access to basic medical care, subsequently raising the standards of living for everyone in the community. This also speeds the pace of economic development to the point of self-sufficiency and self-governance within five years.

Kinini - Rwanda KCRS Woman's Cooperative

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