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Origin : Peru

Producer : Cooperativa Agraria Frontera San Ignacio

Region : San Ignacio

Process : Washed

Altitude : 1350-1890masl

Cupping : Chocolate, Blackberry, Floral, Honey

Varietal : Bourbon, Cataui, Pache


Peru is a well-known player on the coffee scene. Over two thirds of coffee production comes from the north of the country giving us plenty of creamy toffee, fudge and caramel flavours, mild acidic citrus notes and subtle body. Most producers in Peru operated small holdings typically less than 3 hectares in size, and organise themselves in to well run well and managed cooperatives.


Coffee from  this Cooperativa Agraria Frontera San Ignacio are fermented in wooden tanks built from fallen Romerillo trees (regulations prohibit the chopping down of them).

Red cherries are then picked and floated to remove any defects, twigs, and stray leaves. Once cleaned, it will be fermented for 18 to 36 hours (dependent on weather conditions etc) and washed again, before being spread to dry for between 10 to 21 days.

Los Amigos Del Oso - Peru

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