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Origin : Colombia

Producer : Luz Helena Salazar

Region : Quindio

Process : Washed

Altitude : 1450-1500masl

Cupping : Chocolate, Caramel, Apricot, Lime

Varietal : Mixed


This coffee grown by Luz Helena Salazar at the La Leona farm and is the replacement for the Cafe Granja La Esperanza coffee which isnt available this year. This was one of the more popular coffees i sold so i have kept some similar charachteristics so you can all enjoy the familiar taste some of you are hooked on! This coffee from Luz Helena Salazar is well balanced all rounder with a good body and light fruits notes. Perfect with small amounts of milk.

This coffee is harvested on the farm following strict ripeness criteria, floated and hand-sorted to remove any defects. Cherries were then exposed to 30 hours of underwater fermentation before being pulped. The parchment was then gently washed and then dried in temperature controlled conditions until ideal moisture content was achieved.

Luz Helena Salazar -La Leona

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  • Luz Helena grew up in Armenia, Colombia, and has been producing coffee for over 20 years. She owns Maracay, an 8 hectare farm located 1450masl in Quindio. Luz is Carlos and Felipe's mother, the co-founder of Cofinet who i partner with to source these coffees. 

    Luz's passion for coffee was inspired by her husbands work on coffee farms and as a dry mill manager. Luz would hear Jario talking about coffee and wanted to be more involved in the industry. With the support of Jario, Luz started learning how to care for coffee plants and what steps were needed to make high quality, ripe cherries. Luz found dealing with insects very challenging at the begining and would draw on Jario's knowledge to help with this. 

    For several years now her focus has been on producing high grade specialty coffee. With the support of Cofinet Luz has been able to improve farm practices and focus on producing the best quality cherries and experiment with processing methods to draw out exciting flavours from her coffees. 

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